Sunday, April 5, 2009

How To Start With Adsense.

It's probably one of the hottest topics out there, and with good reason. Where else can you get paid over and over again for doing something once?

Of course I'm talking about Googles Adsense program, for website publishers who don't mind placing a small bit of code into their sites to show ads in return for a share of the profits.

It's relatively easy to get started with Google Adsense, as all you need to have is a website or blog on which to show the Adsense ads, and a Google Adsense Publishers Account. To get an Adsense account you need to go to and apply for an account, as long as your website complies with their terms, you will be accepted and be able to log in to create your Adsense ads. If you don't have a website, you can setup a blog for at put up some content, and submit this. Blogger is also owned by Google, and some people claim this gives you a better chance of acceptance, whether it does or not you decide for yourself.

For the next part, once you are logged in you need to choose what type of ads to display, link units are just one line links to sites related to your sites keywords, ad units are the blocks of code you see everywhere with a short description, a link and a url for each site advertised. Once you have chosen which ad type to display, you can then choose the size and format of the Adsense box. This is where you must make a decision to ensure it fits in with your site, where you are going to place it.

Be aware that irregular sized and shaped adsense boxes work better than the regular ad sizes, 468x60 is immediately picked up as an ad due to banners being this size for so long online and has a low clickrate, while the 336x280 and 300x250 adsense blocks work much better. There is also some arguments as to whether you should blend the ad into your site by using the color palette Adsense gives you to edit the ads colours to make the colours the same as your site, or to make them stand out by making them a different colour, this will depend on your site, and you can test to see what works best.

After you have setup the format, colour scheme and type of ad, you will get the code to add to your site. Before you go ahead and paste it in, it's a good idea to setup channel tracking. Setup different channels named so that you will know what it is about, and this will enable you to track which ads are working, on which sites by changing them around, and tagging them with different channel ID's. This is one of the most overlooked parts of Adsense, the ability to track your ads through channels affords you the ability to test and tune to get the ideal colours, and placement for your adsense blocks.

Adsense does a good job of finding ads related to your site, and you have no input into what will be shown. Sometimes it gets confused, so you may have to tweak your sites copy to make the keywords more prominent so Adsense can do a better job of targeting your visitors with the ads displayed. Obviously the better the ads target your visitors, the more relevant they will be and the better the clickthrough rate.

As we already said, Adsense is a great way to make some income, and some people are even making a good living from it, it's residual income, fairly easy to setup and low maintenance. If nothing else it will help pay the hosting fees for your website, so why not get started with Google Adsense today?


Is there a BIG secret to the huge Adsense checks? Yes, you've seen those screen shots of 5-figure Adsense earning ... so have I. And that made you thinking, why are some people earning those huge income, and you are not.

Whatever people may say, I only see these are the only factors that make the difference between your earning and those 'big-guns'.

1 - Adsense Placement

Yes, putting your Adsense in a special way can be the difference between 1% click-through rate (CTR) and 10% CTR. There have been some strategies outlined where you have to make your Adsense like content. You do that by removing the borders and using the same font color that you are using for your website.

Choosing the bigger Adsense format has always been recommended. It is said that the big square, wide skyscraper are the top performer. Me ... yes, I am experiencing good things with these ad formats.

Some may say differently, but I am doing well with the Ad Links too. It's those text link ads, which requires two-step clicks. I place them like a navigation link on my website, and I am doing quite OK with them.

2 - High Paying Keywords

Here's another known secret. Go for high paying keywords. If your website is about a topic where advertisers are paying high money for them, then you may get more money with Adsense.

This is common sense. When people are paying $5.00 per click on Adwords, you may get a lot of money on your Adsense. And if the ads that are showing on your website are ads that people are paying $1.00 per click, you may get lesser than a dollar per click.

Known topics where advertisers are paying top dollars are like DUI lawyers, credit card applications, web hosting ... you know the rest. And you can even go to Overture Bid Tools to guess what people are paying for certain keywords. If you come across a topic that you think might do well, you can give a try there.

But the problem with this, high paying keywords are normally very competitive when you are trying to drive traffic with search engine optimization (SEO). So some would just go for low hanging fruits.

3 - Get More Traffic

Yep ... no secret here. The more traffic you get, the more clicks you are likely to get. And more clicks means more money. But then again, you should think about the type of websites that pull traffic.

I believe many of top earners are actually operating a community-based websites. These are like forums, photo blog service providers, blogs that has grown its readerships and maybe even dating profiles. Another way of doing this is where you build your website around user created content. You allow users to create the content, like put in comments and reviews.

These are the sites that where people keep coming back for more. The good thing is you don't have to crack your head for content. If you think you can build one like those, then go for it.

On the contrary, many are actually growing sites in smaller niches. And they go for SEO for traffic. I have to say that this is the most popular when it comes to Adsense.

You and I know there are the good ways and the bad ways to SEO - yes, the white hats and the black hats. Whatever you do, that is your choice. Some people are doing the black hats, but to them, as long as they are in compliance with the Adsense TOS, they have nothing to worry about.

To me, you do what you want and take responsibilities for the outcome. If you are doing black hat SEO, and you are making boatloads of money - then good for you.

And after that, there're the non-SEO methods. I know of some people who are doing the arbitrage method. They go for high paying keywords, and then advertise their sites for lower prices. And they make profit from the difference. It may sounds strange at first, but some actually made it work.

Other non-SEO methods are like posting at forums, writing articles and doing press releases on their websites.

I have also heard about a strategy where you create an e-course with email, and then send your subscribers to a web pages that contains the lessons and of course, Adsense. This way, you can capture one guy, and probably make money from him/her over and over again.

4 - It's a Numbers Game

All in all ... Adsense is a numbers game. If you find something that is working for you, to make more income is just to do it again and again. For the black hat SEOers, they just build more and more websites.

Unless you successfully build and grow a community-based website, you may want to build more sites. If you build one site that is making $100 a month, then 10 sites would give you $1000. But then again, I would say, you are bound to have sites that will just flop. So out of 10, maybe 3 is doing great, 4 is just so-so, and another 3 just flopped.

If a so-so site makes $30 a month, and a great site is doing $300 a month, with just 10 sites, you might be making $1020 a month.

Just like I said ... it's a numbers game.

How To Make Money Online As A Retiree

When you are retired you have a great opportunity to make internet income.

After all, you will have lots of time, as you need it, in order to make sure that you are a success. Versus other people that try to make money online, you will not have to work a time and energy consuming job in order to stay afloat financially.

You will be able to make this work to your advantage, and be making money before you ever thought possible.
Listed below are some tips that you should follow if you are retired and thinking about making money online.

1. The first thing you need to do is make sure that you have enough knowledge of the internet to be successful. Some of you retirees never used the internet in the past. If you do not have online experience there is no reason to give up on your entrepreneur goal. Simply get connected and start dabbling.

For assistance, to get your feet wet, you may want to purchase a book or two on getting started online. These will give you fundamental information on the internet, and what you need to know to begin. You may also want to take a course at a local college. This is an excellent way to get first hand instructions from a professional.

2. When you are ready to go, the next step that you need to take is to make a decision as to how you want to make money. Would you like to start an online business? Do you want to use affiliate programs to get started?

Some retirees have found that the easiest way to make internet income is to bring their past work knowledge into their venture. This way they already have knowledge of the industry. This is a great option that you should consider for a quick start.

3. After getting your business idea focused in, you need to set up a business and marketing plan. This will help keep you on track during your quest to make income online. By having a business plan in place you will then be able to stay on track no matter what is thrown at you. A marketing plan is imperative so that people know you exist.

4. Be patient when trying to build a business online. Just like anything else in life, you are going to run into problems along the way, and you will probably feel like giving up. By sticking with your plan, you will reach your goals much sooner than making many direction changes along the way.

Overall, many retired people can make a lot of online income. If you are desirous of being in this situation, you will want to follow the tips above in order to get started. By doing so you will be on track to making critical extra retirement income online, and be supplementing your retirement benefits.

How To Make Big Money With Google Adsense

Adsense is an advertising model created by Google which utilizes pay-per-click and pay-per-impression advertising which is beneficial to both advertisers and webmasters alike. For the advertiser Adsense is a very efficient way to get access to high volume targeted traffic by having their ads displayed on topically relevant sites. For the webmaster Adsense can be an extremely lucrative alternative-income source, or as many Adsense gurus have discovered, Google Adsense can well be your primary super-income source.

It's free to join Google Adsense and you'd be well advised to read Google's Adsense rules and policies. Google supplies excellent resources on The Dos and The Don'ts of Adsense as well as very comprehensive tutorials on how to set up and use Adsense. So for that reason this article will not go into the basics of Adsense but rather will give you tips on how to become an Adsense Expert and join the growing number of Adsense Gurus who are making mind-boggling amounts from Adsense!

Fashion Your Ads For Success

1. Don't leave your ads looking like...well ads! Many Adsense users simply follow Google's default format settings to setup their ads. Big Mistake! If your ad looks like an ad people are generally going to ignore it. As for those banners... please! Nearly everybody online hates banners and avoids them like the plague. So don't make the mistake of thinking that visitors to your website will behave any differently to those Adsense banner ads you may have set up. Simply without the Adsense banners if you want to cash in.

2. Optimal Placement of Your Ads. In the real world it's said that location...location...location is everything. Same thing goes for the web, at least as far as Adsense is concerned. If your ads are tucked away where no one can see them basically you aren't going to get any clicks. Think about it--when people go to a website the first thing they do is absorb as much information before ever scrolling. That part of the page they see without scrolling is called above the fold. That is where you want to put your ads. Remember easier seen means more clicks...which means more ka-ching!

More Is Less.
The number of ads you've got above the fold will influence your visitors clicking habits. Google puts the top-paying ads topmost with the lower paying ones at the bottom. If you have a stack of ads all located above the fold those cheaper ads might steal attention away from the more profitable ones. So keep this in mind...more is not necessarily better as far as your Adsense revenue is concerned.

3. Wave Goodbye To That Border. So you've spent a lot of time putting up intelligent and useful content on a beautifully designed site...shame that you've got to tarnish such wondrous aesthetics with Adsense. But guess don't have to! You can easily blend your ads in to compliment the overall layout of your site. First thing--Get rid of that border delineating your ads. Next, make your Adsense text the same colour as that of the rest of your site. People are more likely to click on it thinking it's part of that useful content on your site.

4. Text Ads versus Image Ads. And the winner by unanimous decision is (drum roll)...Text Ads! With the right formatting your text ads will blend in with your content. Text ads are also more flexible with respect to tweaking and positioning. Another thing about text ads, is that you can squeeze more of them in the space taken up by an image ad (banner). Text ads don't appear like clutter whereas banners do!

5. Keywords. The content on your web pages determines the Google Adsense ads that appear there. If your site does not have a specific theme then Google will gladly supply you with non-profit general service ads. So as you can see Content is Still King! Even so you can quite easily (and legitimately) influence the Adsense ads supplied to your site by strategically placing keywords in specific locations on your site without diluting your site's copy (text tailored towards a specific goal and written for your visitors).

These are just a few of the simple optimizer tweaks that Adsense Experts utilize to cash in big from Google Adsense. Remember that people generally need to be exposed to something at least seven times before they're comfortable enough to purchase it. So if you're an affiliate marketer or any kind of online seller (or for that matter as long as you have a site) why not put up Adsense on your site and make some easy revenue while your visitors familiarize themselves with what your site has to offer.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Part 2 of Complete Guide To Making Money With Your Website

Making money with your future site

So now you have found a topic that you like to write about and you have an idea how to approach it in a unique way to offer some unique benefits to the visitors of your site.

You did your keyword research and found a couple of popular phrases that people look for and you have an idea how you can satisfy this demand for information.

Final Check Ups

Double check your keywords and phrases to see what sites rank well for them. Your site will compete with these sites later on. Are you able to compete?

There are no general rules when or if you can compete with a certain site. It all depends how unique your approach is and the value your site will offer to visitors. You can email me to hear my opinion about your approach.

If you realize you won’t be able to compete either narrow the topic or focus on some other aspects related to the topic. Your keyword research data should give you new inspiration what people are looking for.

Making money with your site

Of course you want to earn money with your site so here comes a quick overview of what you can do to make money without selling physical products.


- PPC: Pay per click advertising like Google Adsense. You get paid as soon as someone clicks on an advertising banner on your site.
- PPL: Pay per lead means you get paid if you send someone from your site to another site and this person completes an online survey for example.
- PPS: Pay per sale means you get paid for every sale that results from a person that you send to another site.

Sell an info product:

This is what I could have done with this guide in which I share my knowledge with people who want to learn about this topic. You can sell information products in whatever niche you are an expert in or think you know something other people might find useful. Here is an article about eBooks / info products.

Affiliate Networks

Sign up with affiliate networks such as Link Share or Commission Junction and do some research on how many companies offer products that you could advertise on your site and would be relevant for visitors of your site.

If you can’t find any products you might consider picking another topic or solely focus on Google Adsense which provides more or less relevant advertising for all sorts of topics. In general the best way is to work in a niche and use both Adsense and affiliates to make money.

Adsense is so popular because it is so easy to use:

1. Go to the AdSense website.
2. Copy a little snippet of code to your website.
3. Get relevant advertising on your website from Google and make money with each click.

Planning the live site

Besides the technical aspect of having a website, which is no big deal we get to that later, you will have to think about where you will get your visitors from. You can have the greatest, most beautiful website that won’t make you any money if nobody knows about it.

The magic word is SEO, search engine optimization which is basically the art of making search engines rank your website well in their search results. In the following chapters we will always come back to SEO because it plays such an important role right now. Search engines are the primary source of traffic for all established websites and because the search engine market is dominated by one search engine it is all about ranking well in Google at the moment.

But don’t worry you are well prepared and this is where your keyword research comes into the game. You will want to create a website around some of the keywords or key phrases that you found and that were popular, but also had the least amount of competition.

Selecting a domain name and webhost

Picking a domain name

Think well about your domain name. If possible it should have the most important keyword you are targeting in it and it should be short and catchy that people can remember it. For most of my sites I spent one or two days checking for available domains before I made a decision.

If you have a name that is made up of two words you can write them together like They are still easy to read for people but if they get longer think about using dashes to enhance the readability. For example is really a mess to read while isn’t.

Don’t got for anything longer than three words and I would always recommend that you try to get the .com domain. Everybody thinks about .com when they hear about a website address. I always register the version with separating dashes and without, just to make sure people won’t type it wrong if they have heard the name.

You might also think about common spelling mistakes and get the domains for that.
Top registrars and web hosting companies

There are many, many websites out there that offer you web hosting and domain registration services. I had, like many others, very bad experiences before with several domain registrars and hosting companies.

Many of them oversell the webspace and your site will load slow, the support service won’t reply for two days even though your site is down and you lose money…. I could write a couple of pages about the problems me and some friends had with bad hosting companies out there. Some are too expensive and one actually just took off with my money.

To help you out with that here is a list of services I used and use since 2000 and I can recommend. All of them offer “one click install” services that will make your life so much easier and help you to easily set up your website in a few moments without any technical knowledge. I will walk you through this in the next chapters step by step.

So lets get started and have a look at the first step of running your business online. Getting a domain name.

You should usually separate registrars and web hosting because if you are unhappy with one of them you don’t have the hassle of moving both the domains and your websites to another provider. Registrars are usually also cheaper for registering domains compared to web hosting companies.


GoDaddy is the world’s biggest domain registrar and that has a reason. They are reliable and offer really good prices and a lot of handy extra services. If you are concerned about your privacy for example they offer you the possiblity to get a private registration. Check it out. I have more than 50 domains over there.

Network Solutions is another major player in the domain game. They have a lot of business partners and were one of the first commercial domain registrars on the Internet. Their easy to use interface is great for beginners and like GoDaddy they offer a lot of extra features that you will want to have later on when your site grows bigger.


This is easy. Hostgator is seriously the most amazing hosting company I have ever been with. 90% of all my sites are hosted with them and their support rocks. This sounds a bit crazy but all my friends and colleagues sing the same song how good they are.

If you had as much problems with other hosting companies you appreciate that Hostgator makes everything run so smooth. Even if you go for one of the cheaper shared hosting plans the support replies to you usually within 1-2 hours. This is just fantastic because most other hosting companies only treat larger customers like this. The basic configuration is very good as well so you can pretty much run everything you want on their webspace and another huge plus in my opinion is that you can host sites for as many domains as you like on their webspace.

Two other good web hosting companies I only left because I didn’t want to pay for so many different hosts are Blue Host and Host Monster

Both worth a look but if you ask me I would always go to Hostgator.

Website promotion and strategies for long term success

Satellite Sites

Satellite sites are smaller sites that are about the same or a closely related topic to the one your main site is about. They are a good way to generate more revenue and in the long run all the sites will benefit from each other while you build your own little network. If you, for example, have already established a small readership for your Thailand bike tour website, you could start a website about cheap accommodations or camping grounds, as this is something that probably targets the same kind of reader as your main site.

On the other hand search engines love highly specialized sites and rank them well. In the long run your cheap accommodation website will get some visitors from search engines who were looking for accommodation and some of them will visit your bike tour website as well if you advertise it on your site. This effect of course goes in all sort of directions. The next thing could be to add a website about hiking, backpacking…

This way you build up a network and have a synergy effect with each site benefiting from each other.
Focus on only one site in the beginning and promote it well. It is much easier to promote other sites if you already have a well visited bigger one.
Promoting your site

Here are some ideas that have been great ways of promoting my sites in the past:

* Invest a bit of money and hold a competition or talk to companies they might sponsor the prizes.
* Become an active member in relevant forums, contribute good ideas and link to your website whenever it is appropriate. Be careful not to spam forums with your links, people will recognize it. Some forums and online communities also allow you to put a link in your signature. Make use of that.
* Comment on other blogs with a link back to yours.
* Write about other blogs if they have something interesting for your readers.
* Ask other blogs if you can write a guest article. For example ask the webmaster of an outdoor sports blog if you can contribute an article about mountain biking. You can place a footnote in the article making people aware that you also have a dedicated mountain biking blog.
* Interview renown people in your niche.
* Create resource lists of all important sites for your topic.
* Submit your site to important directories in your niche and general blog directories.
* Exchange a few links with other sites in your niche. Don’t overdo this because it will harm your search rank if you have too many “reciprocal” links. A few (10-20) will benefit your ranking though.
* Try to find other people who are passionate about your topic to contribute to your site. You can offer them for example their own e-mail addresses to give them some feeling of belonging to your site. Besides that they help you to create content and will probably also tell people about the site.
* Encourage people to comment. This can be done by posting something controversial from time to time or asking indirect questions in your articles. A healthy discussion on your site will contribute to building up your readership.
* Get to know other webmasters. They will help you out promoting some articles while you can help them too. Just make sure that both of your websites don’t compete and rather provide additional information about your topic or certain aspects of your topic.
* Show your personality. It is good if people get to know you over time. Like in real life this can create some sort of relationship that keeps your reader coming back.
* Write truly useful articles. Online and offline people appreciate if you help them and will either become loyal visitors of your site or even better link to you from their sites.

How Do I Start Making Money!?!?

Hello friends!

Today I'm busy working on some projects. The link above (HOME - START HERE) will take you to my short guide on money making and provide links to whatever subjects or products you want to read about in greater detail. :)

Heather L.

Friday, April 3, 2009

The Complete Guide To Making Money With Yor Own Website.


Basic Mindset of Online Entrepreneurs.

There are a lot of eBooks out there that advertise “how to make money without working”…. yeah right…

The truth is making money online is always work, as long as you want to create something that will last and keep on making you money for a longer period of time. Prepare yourself to put in a couple of weeks of work and don’t expect to receive a great amount of money or response in that time. Don’t get discouraged because things will build up over time and once they are established the maintenance gets easier and you will earn more each and every month! I’m writing this because I want to cut the bullshit and tell you what you can really expect.

Sit back, get a drink and relax. In the next 30 minutes you will learn all the important things that I learned and that made my sites successful.

I considered selling this guide as an eBook for 47$ which is the regular price for eBooks like this but decided everybody can set their own price. If you find this guide helpful it would be great if you just donate some money or paypal me a beer. That’s always welcome!

Find the right niche

The first thing you should think of

Think about some things you are passionate about, that you enjoy or that you are interested in. This can be something you did in the past, some aspect of your job that you like and are good at or something that you really want to learn. Take a piece of paper and write those topics down.

If you are not an expert and passionate about white nose Madagascar rabbits it is very likely that your range of topics are too broad and if you are such an expert… your topic might not attract enough people with the same interests. It is important to find a balance between both. Not too broad (not too much competition) and not too narrow (enough people are interested in it) niches are great.

Reality check

Most areas and topics are already covered on the Internet today. Every day thousands of new websites go online and the flood of information multiplies every month. If you want to make good money for example in the “travel” niche you better have a lot of money to invest or you won’t stand a chance with the already huge and established networks and community sites already out there.
It’s not all that bad…

The good news is that you might not become the mecca for general travel advice but you may become the owner of the most read blog containing tips how to prepare a trip to another country. It’s all about narrowing your niche down to a size that will still have readers and is not too broad that you have too many competitors.
So how do you narrow your niche down?

There are several ways to do this. First of all do general research on Google for your niche. The basis of being successful online is working efficient. Here are some ways how you can get better results in Google.

“thailand tour” - Searches for the whole phrase like it is.

“thailand tour”+ island - Searches for documents that contain the exact phrase “thailand tour” and the word island. Both the phrase and the word have to be in the same document to get listed in the search results.

Also have a look at the advanced search of Google that lets you filter your search in a variety of ways. Those two mentioned above are just the ones I use most often. They come in incredibly handy for example, if you search for forums or online boards about a certain topic. Just try this for example:

“powered by vbulletin” + Thailand

“powered by vbulletin” is the note that is visible on all installations of the popular online forum software vbulletin. So this would be an ideal way to find a Thailand related online forum if your general search doesn’t give you the results you are looking for.

Researching your niche

Look at the existing websites for the topic you want to focus on and ask yourself what they are lacking. Can users contribute to the site? Does the site answer the most common questions people have? What would you do better?

You probably realize that some of the niches you picked are already overcrowded or have some excellent websites that really address everything you can think of. This doesn’t mean you can forget about the niche it just means you have to make your niche narrower.

Try to find directories, forums and online communities that deal with the topic you are interested in. You can start by using the Google queries you saw before or try some of these:

yourtopic + forum
yourtopic + commnity
yourtopic + directory

Some other very popular forum software:
“Powered By IP.Board” + yourtopic
“Powered By SMF” + yourtopic
“Powered By phpBB” + yourtopic

Read the topics posted in those forums and look for questions that are asked over and over again. Can you answer them? Could you answer them with a little bit of research? Forums and online communities are a great place to do market research and see what people are really looking for while directories give you an idea what other sites already exist.

The most important lesson you will learn in this guide!

Ok here it comes. This is really the single most important factor that will either result in your ultimate success or failure in making money online. Whatever your website will offer, it has got to have at least one (or ideally, even more than one) unique selling points. If you are just trying to be another news blog about a certain topic, while another blog that does pretty much the same has already been doing it a couple of months, forget it! Unless you are able to give it a real new twist.

A unique selling point doesn’t mean your design is new and very rarely means the technical features of your site. Those things will only give you a short term advantage because they can easily be replicated. You won’t be able to compete solely on features. In your approach to general marketing and branding you have to focus on intangible values. For websites that means the angle how you approach the topic should be different to others and you keep this difference consistent. If you are the blog that always has the most hilarious write ups on recent news about your topic with a good chunk of humor then stick to it.

An example:

There are hundreds of news sites about new technical toys (also called gadgets). A lot of them just focus on bringing the latest and hottest news. If you would like to get into this area and succeed you need to do something different. Here are some ideas how to approach this topic:


1. You realize the field is too broad and narrow the topic down to mobile phones and make it even more narrow and focus on smart phones (phones that have their own operating system and can have software installed on them)
2. You realize a lot of people have a strong opinion about their favorite operating system for smart phones (for example Windows Mobile versus Symbian)
3. Strong opinions lead to passionate discussions and you will see people fighting it out in the comments on general mobile phone blogs


Give them a place to really fight it out. For example you could start a blog that compares two similar phones with the same technical specifications but different operating systems. Another idea would be to focus on the operating systems themselves and to compare the feature sets and offer your expert advice on it. A lot of blogs just focus on one system for example, and are dedicated solely to either Symbian or Windows Mobile.

Check the if the niche you picked has potential

Here are a couple of important things you should check whenever you think about doing a website for a certain topic:

* Am I the first one to do it? (First mover advantage)
* Have others tried it and failed? Why?
* Is my approach really unique?
* How easy is my site replicated by someone else?
* Can I break the niche down in several topics and maybe create more sites?
* What is the main benefit that people have when they visit my site?

Some starting points to give your ideas a unique twist:

* Can you combine two topics into one?
* Can you focus on addressing just one side of a topic?
* Can you write in a unique way about the topic? (Humour, Critic..)
* Can you offer advice about the topic? Maybe tutorials how to do something?
* Can you focus on a new development within your niche?

Timeless content pays forever

This brings us to another important point and one of the reasons why I do relatively well without working much. I have always focused on timeless content. Some topics don’t change that much such as languages or advice in some fields eg, cooking.

Whenever you write something that is helpful today it should still be helpful and worth reading in some months or years. This enhances the long term value of your site and will also bring you visitors over a longer period of time. Who wants to read a review of a three year old computer?

Is there really a demand for the information you are going to offer?

You can also learn a lot about the demand by looking at the online communities and the topics they are talking about as mentioned above. But the best way to find out if there is a demand for certain information is to do some keyword research which means you look at how often people search for a certain word or phrase.
Keyword Research

There are two great places to do your keyword research. The first one and my personal favorite is Wordtracker. Wordtracker was one of the first sites to offer this kind of service and has developed very user friendly tools to find what you are looking for. You can also export your research data to keep it in Excel for further evaluation.

Another alternative is Trellian who offer a service called “Keyword Discovery”. While it is not as user friendly as Wordtracker it is still a great resource and subscribing makes sense.

I suggest you just plan what you want to research and then subscribe to the cheapest plans both sites offer. You will have a limited amount of time in which you can access their services. In this time I usually do non-stop keyword research and export all interesting data to Excel for further evaluation.

The following two steps will help you to get most out of your keywords research.

1. Make a list of relevant words. Think what you would enter in a search engine to find more information about your topic. Ask friends to write down some words they would use. Go to sites like and add similar words to the list.

2. Use keyword research tools mentioned above to see how popular the words or phrases on your list are. Note the most popular phrases and keywords. Try to start with broad words and then narrow them down with phrases and words that are used less frequently.

You can also start with Google’s free keyword research tool before you do more detailed research with Wordtracker and Keyword Discovery.

Click Here For Part 2

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Part 2 Of Affiliate Marketing For Beginners

Affiliate Marketing - Step 4

So you have created a terrific website, built strong links and found the right advertisers as your affiliate partners. It's time to sit back and let that affiliate money roll in, right? Wrong. As with any business, you get out of it what you put into it, and setting up a great affiliate site is just the beginning. Now you have to make it work.

Calls to Action

You can have a site that attracts traffic and has appropriate advertisers and still not be getting as many clicks as you would like. Why? One reason is that you may be missing a strong call to action. A call to action is content on your site that gets your visitors to do what you want, namely, click on your advertiser's links.

How to Create a Strong Call to Action

To create a strong call to action, you simply need to develop a piece of content that speaks to your traffic and helps them understand why it is important that they perform the suggested action, be it to click on a banner ad, order a project or fill out a lead generation form. You need to draw visitors with compelling copy and provide strong reasons for why they need to perform the action.

You have to tell your visitors how to perform that action (fill out the simple form on this site to get information about cheap auto insurance rates). You also have to let them know when to perform the action (now, before it's too late, of course!).
The Importance of Calls to Action

Even if a visitor is interested and motivated to buy, he may still need a little push. Remember that while your visitors are just enjoying your site, they are free from any kind of commitment.

Once visitors to your site follow your call to action, they are making a commitment. You need to convince them that it's something they want, so they can click with confidence.

Affiliate Marketing - Step 5

You have a great website and have built an impressive network of links. You found just the right affiliates to partner with and your site contains good calls to action to get those who visit to click on your affiliate links. Is your part in the affiliate marketing enterprise over?

Of course, the answer is no. The Internet is constantly evolving, and your part in creating a successful affiliate marketing arrangement is never over. If you want your site to become successful, to grow and to continue to flourish, you have to manage it all the time. Most importantly, you have to give people a reason to keep coming back.

Updated Content

In order to keep a website lively and drawing traffic, you must have fresh content. Ideally, there should be something new on your site every day for people to come back to. At the very least, something new should pop up once or twice a week.

It's not hard to keep content fresh. You can write new articles every day or keep a store of articles and ration them out as needed. You can put RSS feeds on your site to provide automatic information, be it news, sports or stock updates.
The Importance of Fresh Content

New content may not necessarily create more search engine attention than you garner from other methods. However, people use the Internet for new information. The longer your site goes without providing such information, the more likely it is that your traffic will go elsewhere to stay amused and informed.

If you want affiliate marketing success, you cannot let that happen. Thus, fresh content is paramount.

You now have all the basic tools you need to create a great affiliate marketing campaign. The rest is up to you. Only your creativity, determination and confidence can truly make your affiliate program what you want it to be!! :)

Affiliate Marketing for Beginners

The short explanation is that this is the process of selling other peoples products from your Blog or Website. Text ads, Banners, Reviews of the product you are marketing with a link to their site. If someone buys it from you, you'll earn a commission. So find some products you stand behind and READ UP on the subject. Let's get started!

Affiliate marketing IS the wave of the future. The Internet is the most important and efficient marketing medium in existence today and good affiliate marketers know how to take advantage of it.

However, just getting involved in the affiliate marketing game DOES NOT guarantee success. A lot of factors determine whether your entry into the affiliate world will create a marketing dynasty, will fizzle out unnoticed or will fall somewhere in between. There are a few steps you can take, however, that may lead you on the path to a successful affiliate marketing effort.

Becoming A Successful Affiliate Step One: Get Yourself A Good Website.

You can't display advertisers on your site if you don't have a site on which to do it. You could cobble together a site that's simply a blank page to slap ads on, but that isn't going to attract many advertisers or much traffic. If you really want to succeed as an affiliate, you need to put serious thought into what your site is going to be.

Do What You Like

Not that many people actually love auto insurance. That's okay. The point is not to pick your overriding passion but you should pick something that interests you, something that will get you to want to work on the site very day.

If you have always understood the need for insurance and the desire to get affordable insurance to those who need it, a site based around insurance may be for you. On the other hand, if you work in real estate, a site geared toward finding good mortgage loan rates and great deals on housing may be just right.

Take Your Site Seriously

Even if your affiliate marketing site has appropriate content, you don't want to just throw everything together. Remember that you are trying to attract people who may stop at a site for only a few seconds. As a result, you need an eye-catching design and interesting content. People won't stay on your site and click ads just because you want them to.

Creating a site is just one part of a successful affiliate marketing strategy. Once you have a site that you are happy with, you are ready to move on to other factors that will place you firmly in the affiliate marketing world.

You already understand by now that you can't have a great affiliate marketing setup without a great website. Once you've picked a topic dear to your heart, created an eye-grabbing design and filled it with content, what's the next step? Is it time to start loading up with advertisers?

Affiliate Marketing Step Two: Adding Links

What is link building? It's based on the idea that search engines are attracted to sites that have a lot of links to them. If other sites link to your site, the search engines read it as being important.

It makes sense -- if others who can actually read have recognized the importance of your site, the search engines should recognize it too. However, how do you build these links?

Link Building Tips

There are a number of ways to build links for your site. One of the best is simply to trade links. You agree to put a link to someone else's site on yours and they agree to do the same.

Do this enough times and you build a strong link network. In addition, posting to other sites with useful information, as either a guest content provider or a blog commenter, is another way to generate links.

The Importance of Links

Having multiple inbound links on the Internet can generate traffic in two ways: directly through the sites linking to you and through the added attention that search engines provide. Good links lead to good traffic. When you have good traffic, you are ready to add advertisers.

You have a great website and you've created some good linking relationships. Now you're ready for the fun part -- partnering with advertisers. Advertising affiliate partners are the way you monetize your site. Getting the right advertisers will determine whether your affiliate marketing campaign is a minor hobby or the foundation of a full-fledged enterprise.

How to Become a Successful Affiliate Step Three: Finding Affiliate Partners

Finding affiliate partners isn't hard to do. There are multiple websites dedicated to offering affiliate program opportunities. The challenge for you is finding the right advertising programs to bring maximum profitability to your site.


You may want to start by generating metrics for your site. These are statistics generated for you by various sites. They reveal important information about the performance of your site. You'll learn how many people are visiting, the demographics of the people who are visiting, how long they stay on the site and which keywords are bringing them there. This can help you know what advertisers to try to bring on and help the advertiser know that your site will benefit them in bringing them new business.

Choosing Appropriate Partners

Some sites may happily put banners of any company that wants to on their site. However, your chance of getting a significant number of clicks in this situation is low unless your site is wildly popular.

You are much better off posting links to affiliates who offer a product connected to your site. So, if you have real estate articles on your site, there should be links to real estate companies or real estate lead generation forms. If your site gives poker tips, you can have plenty of online poker site ads on your pages.

The partnerships are how you make your money as an affiliate marketer, so choose them wisely. A brute force approach to this stage of the affiliate marketing process is easy and tempting, but probably won't yield as positive long-term results as a measured, thoughtful approach. Here For Part 2

The Rich Jerk, Very Gimmick-y Yet Excellent Online Money Making Information!

This was one of my first systems and it brings back good memories!

Despite his crazy (not really, it's a gimmick)style, the Rich Jerk actually delivers a complete system that actually does put many competitors to shame.

Let's forget about his obnoxious style and focus on the content.
One of the awesome things about Mr Jerk is that he covers all the basics in a clear and understandable way. Some of the advanced people do put it down but if you are looking to start out in the online money making business this information is SO HELPFUL! This is actually how I actually learned the basics and began earning money online. Enough to actually quit my part time job!! Yes!

The book is a bit shorter than others I've read, but he's simply getting straight to the point. No wasted, boring, filler text. One big thing is that I have yet to see a course that is as beginner friendly.

You will learn some secrets about affiliate websites that will make you money right away. That's a plus.
He'll get you up to speed on affiliate marketing, selling on ebay, some sneaky search engine optimization tactics (very helpful), and good tips on avoiding scammers.
So ultimately this ends up being one of the best products for beginning marketers.

Oh, he has a member-only forum also, I found that to be really helpful with questions that would pop up. Yes - he does post there too.

The price has come down also - $9.95. That's a pretty crazy deal for the amount of info. I've read the refund offer was tested to be reliable, most are though. But the company is totally legit. The staff seemed helpful enough on the phone.

There is a free website offer that I have not seen offered by other companies. I'm somewhat web savvy but if you are not this will be a huge bonus.
So if you're a newbie to websites this is the way to go. The book is geared on how to make money from websites so you can potentially use this to make money right away. As in today:)

So yes - Highly Recommended. He does act like a jerk of course, but whatever. His marketing got me to give it a try. I'm so glad I did too! I'm still using most of his tactics to this day. Thanks for sharing the wealth Mr Rich!!! :)

You can get more information on the Rich Jerk by clicking on the link below:
Click Here To Visit the Rich Jerk :)

The Whole Collection of Online Money Making Resources!

Hi Folks,

Let's start with this from Mr Ken McArthur.
It’s tough to know who to listen to these days. Every so-called “guru”
has their own slant on things, so who do you trust?

Ken McArthur is one person that I trust and over the years Ken has
developed quite a stable of “trusted advisors.” They all have their
own viewpoints and Ken actually LIKES the fact that they don’t all
give exactly the same advice.

After all, each person is an individual and we all work differently.
What works for some, may not work for others.

What you need is a BROAD range of advice from people who really know
what they are talking about and who you can trust.

To build awareness of his new book, Ken is giving away training from
over thirty of his hand-picked personal advisors with all kinds of
specialties to help you succeed in business on the Internet.

Within minutes you can have access to over 100 hours of advice in a
wide range of subjects that you need to know about right now!

Imagine this …

“44 Complete Conferences including ALL of These ‘Need-To-Know’ Subjects”…

- “How To Stomp the Search Engines”
- “How to Build Search Engine Optimization That Works”
- “How to Write Effective Copy That Can Double Your Profits”
- “How to Make Amazing Profits From Niche Markets”
- “How to Create Products That Sell”
- “How to Get Reciprocal Linking”
- “How to Make Yourself the Obvious Expert”
- “How to Brand Your Brilliance”
- “How to Make Money From Blogs”
- “How to Get Free Publicity For Your Products and Services”
- “How to Build Your List By the Thousands”
- “How to Make Money From Affiliate Programs”
- “How to Take Joint Ventures Beyond the Basics”
- “How to Create Bread and Butter Niche Products”
- “How to Use Multi-Media to Increase Your Sales”
- “How to Use Booklets For Increased Profits”
- “How to Make Your Book a Best-Seller on Amazon”
- And many more …

All of these presentations are from top-level Internet Marketing Experts
like …

Nathan Anderson, Phil Basten, Kevin Bidwell, Anthony Blake, Mike Chen,
Joel Christopher R., Holly Cotter, Jason Cox, Willie Crawford,
Paulette Ensign, Michael T. Glaspie, Carl Galletti, Rosalind Gardner,
David Garfinkel, Frank Garon, Randy Gilbert, Darryl Graham, Sid Hale,
Doug Hudiburg, Jack Humphrey, Andy Jenkins, Gary Knuckles,
Dr. Jeffrey Lant, James Maduk, Jason Mangrum, Jane Mark, Ken McArthur,
George McKenzie, Paul Myers, Dr. Neil Shearing, Anik Singal, Jeff Smith,
Damon Smith, Kim Thomas, Peter Twist, Bryan Voiles, Ramon Williamson,
and Eric Wyson.

What’s even better is that it doesn't cost a cent. You can grab instant
access to these materials and be learning about a wide range of Internet
Marketing strategies within seconds.

So start getting ready to build your business right now at:


By the way, Ken is also including a great 48 minute live recording
with Ken and Brendon Burchard worth $97 all by itself, so don't
wait a second!

All the best,

Heather :)

Monday, March 30, 2009

Start Here

A Quick Beginner Guide And Links To Everything You Will Need.

Hello and Welcome! Since starting my adventure into making money online I've had some great success with my websites. Here I want to share my experiences so far and give my readers a clear cut guide on how to get started generating income online.

If you are interested in getting into this business now is the time! It's currently a growing field and has not yet been saturated with too many businesses.

There are generally 2 ways to get yourself started. Option One is by reading all the free information online. There are articles all over the web on the topic, including here:). Wading through all of the information can be confusing and time consuming and may be confusing for beginners.

Option Two is to start with purchasing a cheap beginner guide - an ebook or hard copy will do. This route helped me when starting out. These books run from 70 to several hundred pages and are very detailed. Enough to get you started making money right away. As you initially earn more money you can then begin purchasing more helpful guides and products and investing in your websites/marketing to reach greater success.

Price wise at $10-$40 dollars it is really an excellent investment to get you started. With just part time work from home you can make great money. I now use this as my only source of income and am earning much more than when I worked a full time job in Marketing. What's incredible is my hours are now only part time!!

I have not yet written any ebooks of my own but in the table below I have reviews of all of the products I have used or have been recommended by friends in the field. On the right side are how-to articles on internet money making. Check back because I will continue to update and I have a lot more writing on the subject to do.

Marketing Products Worth Investing In
How-To Guides
The Rich Jerk

The Impact Factor

Affiliate Marketing Guide